Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My Internet Role Model.

Elsie Larson

A year or so ago John got me a Google reader, and started me in to reading blogs, and feeds and things of that nature. Well one day shortly after, I was sifting through all of the bike and computer related blogs and I stumbled on a post that contained this video. 

Elsie & Jeremy | May 15th 2011 from Goodwin Films on Vimeo.

    After not reading the accompanying text but, watching the video over and over again and showing John and him crying a little at how perfect it was, I saw a little blurb that mentioned this Elsie character had a blog, A Beautiful Mess, I clicked the link and fell in love . 
Her Blog is amazing, the first and last thing I look at online everyday, A Beautiful Mess has given me so much inspiration for my crafts, decorating my house, styling my hair, doing my make-up, picking out my outfits and taking pictures. Most importantly Elsie inspired me to start blogging and sharing my life and the fun things I do. After further investigation I discovered that not only did this goddess of crafts, fashion and home decor have a blog but she co-founded a vintage clothing store in Missouri called Red Velvet full of amazing things that I really want.  
Please check out A Beautiful Mess and Red Velvet, and get inspired or buy something amazing from the shop.